WhiteCap Standalone visualizes any sound source supported by your computer, including line-in audio, CD audio, microphone input, etc. You can use it to visualize live performances or streaming radio broadcasts.
WhiteCap Standalone is particularly useful when you want to visualize audio that doesn't exist in the form of an audio file (e.g. mp3, WAV, AIFF), such as audio output directly from your CD player or stereo amplifier.
WhiteCap Standalone enables you to visualize anything you can hear and is exclusively available in WhiteCap Platinum. Note: The Mac OS X operating system does not allow for visualization from the built-in sound card, however, it does allow for use of line-in, microphone, and other audio inputs.
How do I run WhiteCap Standalone?
In Windows, you can run WhiteCap Standalone by selecting: Start | All Programs | WhiteCap | WhiteCap Standalone. In Mac OS X, simply run the WhiteCap Standalone application included in your Platinum download.
How do I select a particular audio input?
WhiteCap Standalone can select from any sound source available to your computer. Using the WhiteCap menu, select the desired source from the "Audio Source" list in the "Settings" submenu. To access these options with keystroke commands, simply press "Shift A" while WhiteCap Standalone is running.
How do I adjust the reactivity of the visuals?
When using WhiteCap Standalone, please know that WhiteCap will be sensitive to the volume levels of any "line-in" or "mic-in" sound sources. Use the + - and [ ] keys to adjust the signal and visual gain level. See the G-Force customizing section for a description of the response vs. preamp scale (both function exactly the same in WhiteCap).