and WhiteCap use plain-text files called "configs" in order to define graphical
operations in the form of mathematical expressions, allowing you to create your own visual
effects. Over the years, many users have created hundreds of configs, some of which are now
bundled with G-Force. A config file is a plain-text file and
contains a list of values than can be easily viewed or edited using any text editor. Depending
on the role a config file is intended to play, G-Force looks for specifically named values
and uses them in accordance with the role of that config. For example, when a WaveShape config
defines a value named "Pen",
that value determines how darkly lines are drawn.
- Submitting Your Configs
If you'd like your configs to be bundled with G-Force,
you should submit them. When you submit configs
to SoundSpectrum, they will be evaluated and considered for the next release of G-Force.
Even if your configs are not included in the next release, your work will be posted on
the G-Force contributors page
and will be available to all. By creating configs and sharing them, you'll be making
the G-Force community even more exciting and you'll be appreciated by everyone who uses
G-Force. Finally, G-Force config contributors are eligible for a free copy of G-Force
Platinum (see the G-Force contributors page
for more information).
- Syntax
The config file syntax is straightforward and is
nothing more than a unordered list of key-value pairs. Configs are plain-text files that
are edited using a text editor (see the comments in the customizing section
regarding text editors). Each line in a config file starts with a 1 to 4 character case-sensitive
label or "key" followed by an equal sign, followed by the key's value. If the
value isn't a number (with the exception of a leading '-' or '.'), then it should be
in quotes. All whitespace or new lines not inside quotes are ignored, and both types
of C-style comments are processed. An example:
X0=".5 + sin( .3 * t )" //
This is a comment
ALFA="1 / exp( C1 ^ 2 )"/* This
is another comment */
- Documented Configs
Below is a list of configs included with G-Force
that contain important documentation. In other words, some configs contain information
that will teach you about the different config types. Try looking at them in order listed,
and be aware that many other configs contain documentation and comments added by the
authors who created them. If you see a config in G-Force you really like, don't be afraid
to open and study it.
- G-Force/ColorMaps/ColorWheel.txt
- G-Force/ColorMaps/Clear Blue Water.txt
- G-Force/FlowFields/Linear Spread.txt
- G-Force/WaveShapes/Rotating Corridor.txt
- G-Force/Particles/Spinners.txt
- G-Force/Particles (Non-Auto)/Default Sprite.txt
- G-Force/FlowField Unions/Birth Cone.txt
- Be Patient
Don't get discouraged if the math seems a little
overwhelming. It's simply a matter of experience and it will become easier with just
a little time and practice. As you explore existing configs, you may want to try using
a graphing calculator to help see how certain equations behave. A common way to learn
config programming is to alter existing configs and observe the effects of your changes.
- Testing Your Configs
When you're ready to test your config, you have to
tell G-Force to load a fresh copy of it from disk. Otherwise, if you switch to a config
you've been editing, G-Force won't load your changes (because it's using a cached copy).
Press U to reload the currently running configs. In other words, when you save
changes to a config, press U to make G-Force load a fresh copy from disk.
abs(x) |
|x| |
dim(a,b) |
max( a - b, 0 ) |
sqr(x) |
x^2 |
exp(x) |
e^x |
log(x) |
natural logarithm (logarithm base e) |
log10(x) |
logarithm base 10 |
sqrt(x) |
square root of x |
sin(x) |
sine (x is in radians) |
cos(x) |
cosine (x is in radians) |
tan(x) |
tangent (x is in radians) |
asin(x) |
arcsine (range is -PI/2 to PI/2) |
acos(x) |
arccosine (range is 0 to PI) |
atan(x) |
arctangent (range is -PI/2 to PI/2) |
atan2(y,x) |
arctangent of y/x (range is -PI to PI) |
hypot(x,y) |
sqrt( x^2 + y^2 ) |
hypot2(x,y) |
x^2 + y^2 |
leg(h,x) |
sqrt( max( h^2 - x^2, 0 ) ) |
wyvill(r) |
-4/9 r^3 + 17/9 r^2 - 22/9 r + 1 |
pos(x) |
returns x if x > 0 and 0 otherwise |
returns 1 if x >= 0 and -1 otherwise |
clamp(x) |
returns 0 when x < 0, 1 when x > 1, and x when 0 <=
x <= 1 |
sqwv(x) |
returns 1 if |x| <= 1.0 and 0 otherwise |
rnd(x) |
returns a random real number from 0 to x (inclusive) |
trunc(x) |
everything to the right of the decimal point in x is dropped |
floor(x) |
the largest integer that is less than or equal to x (ex, floor(3.2)
== 3, floor(-2.7) == -3 ) |
round(x) |
returns the whole number nearest to x |
wrap(x) |
x - floor( x ) (ex: wrap(.3) == .3, wrap(4.1) == .1, wrap(-2.7)
== .3) |
flip(x) |
sawtooth that passes thru ..., (-3, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1),
(1,1), (1, -1), ... |
trwv(x) |
triangle-shaped wave passing through (0,0), (1,1), (2,0) and
repeats in both directions along the x axis |
min(a,b) |
if a <= b, returns a, otherwise returns b |
max(a,b) |
if a >= b, returns a, otherwise returns b |
srand(x) |
seeds the random number generator based on the bits of x, returns
x |
clock() |
returns the system time index (in milliseconds) |
time() |
returns the number of seconds elapsed since midnight |
+, - |
add/subtract |
*, / |
multiply/divide |
% |
modulo or "the integer remainder when A is divided by B" (ex,
8 % 4 == 0, 11 % 3 == 2) |
^ |
raise to the power |
==, != |
equal/unequal to |
<, > |
less/greater than |
<=, >= |
less/greater than or equal to |
&& |
logical AND |
|| |
logical OR |
& |
bitwise AND |
| |
bitwise OR |
^^ |
bitwise XOR |
<<, >> |
shift left/right |
(int) |
convert to type int (unary operator) |
(float) |
convert to type float (unary operator) |
Audio Access
mag(x) |
Accesses samples of the current audio |
fft(x) |
Accesses the frequency transform/spectrum of the current audio |
A single scalar value that approximates the overall beat |
PI |
3.141592653 |
The number of times the X, Y, and C expressions are evaluated
per sample (ie, per frame) |
The number of bins/resolution composing fft() |
The number of values composing mag() |
The output frame dimensions (in pixels). Because the frame size
can change at any time, these globals should be treated as time dependent
when used inside a WaveShape config. |
The four points (+/- X _EXTENTS, +/- Y_EXTENTS) always map to
the corners of the output frame. Because the frame size can change at any
time, these globals should be treated as time dependent when used inside
a WaveShape config. When a FlowField or WaveShape does not have a forced
1:1 aspect (ie, if Aspc=0), then both these globals are therefore 1. |
sgn(x) |
use sign(x) |
atan2(x) |
use atan2(y,x) |
use floor(x) |
trnc(x) |
use trunc(x) |
clip(x) |
use clamp(x) |
seed(x) |
use srand(x) |