4.2.2 - 15 November 2024
- Fixed macOS installer failing on fresh installs.
- Fixed engine var breaking loading.
- Fixed macOS screen saver not saving prefs.
- Successful workaround macOS screen saver issues.
- Smoother frame rate regulation on Windows.
4.2.1 - 05 September 2024
- Fixed V-Bar not saving prefs on Windows.
- Fixed V-Bar not auto-hiding on macOS.
- Fixed Standalone and V-Bar not requesting audio permission on macOS.
4.2.0 - 26 July 2024
- Now building for modern macOS and arm64 under Xcode.
- Now building for modern Windows and compiling using Visual Studio 2022.
- Addressed stability issues for Win64 Standalone.
- Addressed instability with Apple Music (iTunes).
- Stay tuned for a big announcement!
4.1.1 - 10 February 2020
- Installer for Windows now handles iTunes installed from Microsoft app store.
- Installer for macOS now better accommodates Mojave and Catalina (to the best that is possible).
4.1 - 21 June 2018
- Added setting 'Prevent Display Sleep'
- Improved compatibility with Windows screensavers.
- Addressed JRiver Media Center crash.
- Major updates to Windows no longer require Aeon reinstallation.
- Working-around iTunes for Windows issue causing freeze/lockup.
- Fixed OpenGL/Direct3D toggle setting on Windows.
- Fixed Aeon sometimes not being detected in Windows Media Player or iTunes.
4.0.1 - 17 January 2018
- Added scene “Metatron's Sign”
- Tweaked performance of other Metatron scenes.
- Fixed Mac OS screensaver reverting to main display only mode.
- Happy Birthday to Andy!
4.0 - 03 January 2018
- Added 5 new configs to help beam you into the beyond!
- Performance overhaul for 12 configs, aesthetic overhaul for 3!
- Now bundling all-new Windows audio driver called SoundSpectrum Audio Cable, offering audio loopback from the system output to Aeon Standalone.
- Added 'Reload Audio Devices' button in Settings.
- On macOS, added control over which displays show the screensaver.
- Addressed retina support on macOS High Sierra.
- Added 64-bit support for J River Media Center!
- Enhanced installer detection on Windows for 64-bit iTunes and Windows Media Player.
- Help windows now stay hidden when closed.
- Fixed iTunes not zeroing audio when paused.
- Updated Aeon Standalone docs.
3.9.1 - 22 June 2017
- Fixed screen saver for macOS retina displays.
- Fixed not restoring Direct3D state under VirtualDJ.
- Smarter hotkey support for Winamp and MediaMonkey.
- Fixed audio frozen visually when iTunes is paused.
- Fixed prefs not always being saved when quitting iTunes.
3.9 - 21 April 2017
- Added Retina display support on macOS.
- Enhanced UI support for high resolution displays.
- Fixed not getting keystrokes in full screen mode in iTunes.
- Overhauled support for 'UI Menu Scale' setting.
- Album cover art animation is now resolution independent.
- Improved text anti-aliasing quality on Windows.
- Increased default slideshow interval from 20 to 30 seconds.
- Fixed macOS installer overwriting ~/Library permissions.
- Now bundling Virtual Audio Cable with Platinum on Windows.
- Added shadows to white icons.
3.8.1 - 12 January 2017
- Full debug mode no longer generates a debug log file on disk.
- Fixed network-based album cover art not loading on Windows.
- Album cover art now loads more smoothly under Windows Media Player.
- Now looking for album cover art under WMP more aggressively (e.g. folder.jpg).
- Now gracefully handling cover art that fails to load.
- Fixed track animation not translucent (and other render to texture configs) under Direct3D.
3.8 - 28 December 2016
- Fixed erroneous console message "Undefined function Refresh()".
- Fixed flashing of junk frames immediately following a resize or fullscreen change.
- Standalone on Windows nows works with Aero's 'auto-snap'.
- Addressed fullscreen mode state issues under iTunes and in Standalone.
- Fixed stability issues for the OS X screen saver.
- Standalone for Windows now only changes the input device volume if below 50%.
- More console messages when in partial or debug console mode.
- Aesthetic tweaks to some track animations.
- For large viewports, UI items now auto-scale up in size (UI.AutoScaleFromHeight).
- No longer using special key mapping under Winamp.
3.7.4 - 11 February 2016
- Fixed ColorMap factory Categories not set for read-only.
- Workaround for iTunes fullscreen mode flag bug that caused cursor to persistently be hidden and ESC fail to exit fullscreen.
- Improved 32-bit iTunes detection for Windows.
- Improved artist string extraction logic for Windows Media Player.
- Track text animation fixes.
3.7.3 - 06 February 2015
- Added 64-bit support for iTunes 12.1 under Windows.
- Fixed case where track text didn't always appear when pressing 'T'.
3.7.2 - 13 January 2015
- Now using pixel buffer objects under OpenGL for improved performance.
- Improved performance for some render to texture operations under OpenGL.
- Fixed OpenGL render to texture issue affecting stability.
- Fixed audio processing issue that sometimes impaired live audio responsiveness when running Aeon Standalone, V-Bar, or Screen Saver.
3.7.1 - 12 December 2014
- Frames are now synchronized with the display device to prevent frame tearing.
- Now supporting VirtualDJ on Windows!
- Now only supporting 10.6 and later on OS X.
3.7 - 19 June 2014
- Enhanced track text animation cuing, takedown, and aesthetics.
- All config types now loaded through the package (VisPackage) subsystem.
- Config author attribution now appears under the config's name in the UI.
- Enhanced track text support when streaming in iTunes and Windows Media Player.
- Scripting now uses Python, making authoring scripts much easier and open-ended.
- Improved audio responsiveness.
- Fixed Standalone issue that was causing an audio input error on some Windows systems.
- Addressed compatibility issue under OS 10.5.
3.6 - 05 March 2014
- Improved stability of fullscreen mode switching.
- Added thumbnails for the OS X System Preferences screen saver panel.
- Inserted workaround for ATI driver bug on older Macs that was causing white squares to be displayed in track text animation.
- Addressed installer permissions and compatibility issues under OS 10.5.
- All python files now use 4 spaces instead of tabs.
- Internal python cleanup.
3.5.5 - 17 January 2014
- Fixed bug where album cover art would often fail to display in track text animation.
- Fixed issue where system font names containing non-ASCII characters would cause an error when track text animation was initiated (common on non-English systems).
- Cosmetic edits to the 'Fold' track text animation.
3.5.4 - 29 November 2013
- Fixed issue where changing Themes was causing an error.
- Fixed screenshots accidentally capturing the on-screen UI.
- Added a button to the main button group that toggles fullscreen mode.
3.5.3 - 21 November 2013
- Addressed geometry clipping issues in various Scenes.
- Fixed crash issues when running multiple instances.
- Fixed screenshots sometimes being blank.
3.5.2 - 27 September 2013
- Fixed full screen mode switching issues under iTunes.
- Smarter Direct3D DLL installation on Windows.
- Now correctly signing the OS X installer, averting OS 10.8 security warnings.
3.5.1 - 22 August 2013
- Performance and minor aesthetic improvements in select track animations.
- Fixed Standalone, Screen Saver, and V-Bar crash on startup.
- Updated the customizing documentation.
3.5 - 19 August 2013
- All-new SoundSpectrum 'Package' directory structure for python-based content.
- All-new track text animation where track text info is now progressively animated!
- Added track year to the track text info animation.
- Internal drawing optimizations to reduce redundant graphics calls, increasing frame rates for some Scenes on some systems.
- On OS X, now using Apple's new flat package format, requiring OS 10.5 for installation.
- Added album cover art and extended track info support for Winamp!
- Added drawer integration support for Winamp.
- Added help window close and toggle buttons.
- Enhanced jetAudio support.
- Fixed the Standalone window not getting focus back after fullscreen mode.
- Fixed SHIFT+RETURN not toggling fullscreen when the UI wasn't visible.
3.4.3 - 20 June 2013
- Fixed texture caching bug, reducing load for texture-heavy Scenes.
3.4.2 - 15 June 2013
- Fixed presets/favorites sometimes not starting when pressed.
3.4.1 - 29 May 2013
- Fixed issue causing installation to fail on OS 10.5.
3.4 - 06 May 2013
- Fixes and improved support for J River Media Center, iTunes, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, and Windows Media Center.
- Added mouse scroll and middle button support to the UI.
- Various fixes to Settings and UI control behavior.
- The page up, page down, home, and end keys are now handled.
- Fixed script file execution looking for txt instead of py files.
- Fixed iTunes window not being resizable in Windows.
- Added debug 'HUD' to display performance metrics (via SHIFT+D).
3.3 - 15 March 2013
- Now precompiling and caching Scenes which almost completely removes the stutter when a transition to the next Scene occurs!
- Minor fixes, performance enhancements, and Scene tweaks.
- Boot.txt has been totally removed and high-level engine code now resides in SSEngine.py and the Home dir has been flattened/removed.
- Category include and exclude fields now use POSIX regular expressions.
- The screen saver UI now allows the graphics quality to be set.
3.2 - 17 January 2013
- Fixed minor bugs relating to Theme and Category interaction.
- Improvements to in-product help text.
- Fixed issue that occasionally caused Scenes to not find file resources and print an error message.
- The UI now goes away on when you click "past" it.
- The "Home" directory is now gone and is now the engine directory.
- Fixed on-screen user presets sometimes failing to load.
3.1 - 05 December 2012
- Several new Scenes!
- Resolved Windows 8 compatibility issues.
- Improved install/registry support for J. River Media Center.
- Added more options to the config slide show duration menu.
- Fixed EditThemeMenu for a category with the same name but a different config type.
- For improved full screen mode compatibility, alternative full screen resolution modes has been removed.
3.0 - 25 July 2012
- Added 16 all-new Scene and enhancements to many others!
- New 'Themes' and 'Categories' concept, allowing you to select and group which Scenes and ColorMaps you like most.
- Multi-display systems now run multiple Aeon instances properly.
- Many GUI enhancements and all-new UI icons.
- Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center overhaul, fixing various issues for both x86 and x64.
- Aeon now detects Windows Media Player overlays and offsets its UI elements accordingly.
- Higher quality GUI text rendering under Windows.
- Internal overhaul of Scene management and drawing handling, offering greater customization for content creation.
- Fixed install/registry issues associated with J. River Media Center.
- Added 64-bit support for the Screen Saver and Standalone on Windows.
- No longer using CGDisplayCapture() on OS X to capture the full screen display device, allowing context menu support and improved interoperability with other apps.
- Fixes and enhancements to the Screen Saver, including Theme selection.
- Stability enhancements to the V-Bar.
- Improved support for RealPlayer 15.
- Major improvements to Winamp idle mode detection and frame rate control.
- Added workaround for OS 10.5 pkg install deficiency, fixing installation of multiple SoundSpectrum products.
- Fixed cases where the Aeon uninstaller wasn't removing all the files it should have.
2.0.1 - 4 December 2011
- Numerous Scene aesthetic improvements.
- Now using the new iTunes visual API on 32-bit iTunes on OS X (not just 64-bit).
- Restored legacy suport for iTunes versions earlier than 10.5 on Windows.
- Enhanced error handling support for the OS X installer under PowerPC.
- Stability enhancements when running under 64-bit iTunes.
- Fixed the installer not detecting if iTunes is running during installation.
- Enhanced support for legacy OpenGL (particularly with OS 10.4 and 10.5).
- Fixed 'Reset All Settings' in the Settings menu.
2.0 - 25 November 2011
- FFT audio data is now auto-normalized, offering automated visual response sensitivity adjustment based on incoming audio. This ensures that you get a visually responsive experience no matter what you're listening to.
- 13 all-new Scenes, edits to existing Scenes, and several new ColorMaps.
- Added audio auto-detect, which auto-scans all audio input sources for an active audio source. This new feature is enabled by default for the screen saver and can be enabled for the V-Bar and Standalone.
- Added UI elements in the screen saver control panel/settings to set the audio auto-detect, the preferred audio source, the frame rate, and the current visual preset.
- Improved screen saver and V-Bar support, including the internal sharing of audio devices so that multiple engine instances can now visualize the same audio source.
- The V-Bar for Windows now supports multiple display devices.
- Fixes to tile modes in the V-Bar.
- All 'Hyper' configs are now disabled by default.
- Added 64-bit support for iTunes and Standalone on OS X.
- Added 64-bit support for Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center.
- Addressed an issue where Aeon would hang on exit due to a deadlock.
- PREF_AUDIO_INPUT_SOURCE now stores an audio name instead of an index so that the wrong source will no longer be used when if audio devices are added or removed from the system.
- Now mangling ObjC classnames to prevent OS X namespace collisions within iTunes and the OS X screen saver subsystem.
- Fixed issue where clicks were not hitting UI elements.
- Improved OS X and Windows audio input source detection and handling.
- Now using the latest DirectX SDK, increasing drawing performance on some Windows systems.
- Fixed issue under Windows where the full screen resolution selection list was empty.
- Various install/uninstall fixes for J. River Media Center.
- The console now has multiple verbose modes.
- Addressed issue where license code validation would mistakenly fail or the engine would mistakenly report that it needs to be reinstalled.
- OS X and Windows installer improvements for better compatibility.
- Removed Google Desktop support (since it has been discontinued by Google).
1.1.1 - 18 March 2011
- Added new scenes: Forward, Insanity, Shine, Volume, Water Melody.
- Various tweaks in existing scenes.
- Added GIF file support.
1.1.0 - 17 February 2011
- Added new configs: Electric Star, Flashlights, and Astral Forge!
- Enhanced audio reactivity and edits for most scenes.
- Addressed VBO bug for OpenGL, resulting in improved drawing performance.
- Less per-vertex work in Direct3D, resulting in improved drawing performance.
1.0.2 - 21 December 2010
- Added two new scenes and tweaked several others.
- Minor fixes to Veins and Thousand Years.
- Improved source images of Mandala.
- Fixed relative pathnames not always working.
1.0.1 - 07 December 2010
- Resolved OS 10.4 issue where Aeon would fail/crash on startup.
- Now building Python under gcc 4.2 for enhanced performance under OS X.
- Increased the default scene slide show interval from 15 to 20 seconds.
- Added documentation for SoundSpectrum's Python-based drawing engine.
1.0 - 03 December 2010